FLOW Conversation
Cue Cards

Because conversations at work don’t always flow easily

The Power of FLOW

The secret to successful organisations, teams, committees and boards is how people treat each other, that is, the culture. Culture is created through quality relationships, which are forged through healthy conversations.

But sometimes, conversations at work just don’t flow. FLOW Conversation Cue Cards stimulate meaningful discussion between colleagues, team leaders and team members, coaches and coachees, and more.

Developed by Hargraves in collaboration with Ricky Nowak, FLOW Conversation Cue Cards capture 20 years of expertise and research. Like flashcards, FLOW Cards help individuals, leaders, and teams explore how we lead others (WE) and manage ourselves (ME). Based on our Question Canvas Approach, every card is designed to inspire open thinking and prompt meaningful conversations.

But curating our research down to precisely two decks of 48 cards is what makes FLOW so powerful. Individuals decide which cards are relevant and/or important at any given time. And the cards can be used over and over again – in multiple ways – as situations and contexts change.

1 pack, 2 topics, 8 categories, 3 groups…countless conversations.​

FLOW Cards work because they:

The FLOW Guide to Meaningful Conversations​

Download the Guide for tips on preparing, conducting and following up on work conversations to make real connections, build good relationships and create a thriving culture.

Today’s employees want a manager who is invested in their personal and professional development. They want frequent feedback – and opportunities to do more of what they do best. They want to consistently grow as they pursue a compelling purpose.

How to use FLOW Conversation Cue Cards…

It’s nothing new that leaders must balance demands and distribute their time between themselves and their teams. But what is new is the increased expectation from employees who crave quality relationships and connections.

For leaders, using conversation and question tools highlights that the purpose of a meeting is different. Importantly, they help your people set the conversation’s agenda, sending a clear signal that they are at the centre of the discussion.

The Power of FLOW

1 pack, 2 topics, 8 categories, 3 groups…countless conversations. For example:

For individual and team performance

For bridging silos and building relationships

For more tips and ideas, download The FLOW Guide to Meaningful Conversations.

How does FLOW facilitate meaningful conversations for individuals, leaders and teams?

Successful leadership is about active listening, healthy conversations and feedback.

Designed to focus the conversation, FLOW cards work equally well in groups or one-on-one. Each card is designed to kick-start a conversation using open questions and a simple, engaging process to build practical outcomes. Most importantly, these easy-to-use cards put employee and team experience at the centre and make it easy for managers to start meaningful conversations confidently.

Use FLOW Conversation Cue Cards to:

  • Harness individual strengths to boost productivity and engagement.
  • Understand specific issues and challenges, and build outcomes.
  • Identify required resources and collaborative partnerships to improve performance.

What’s in the pack?

Each FLOW Pack incorporates:

  • 2 topics (2 decks of 48 cards): Leadership@Work (WE) and Resilience@Work deck (ME).
  • 8 categories: expertise, belief, perspectives, behaviours, actions, culture, relationships, and infrastructure.
  • 3 groups: individuals, teams and organisations.

With instruction cards outlining how to use FLOW on your own, with your team and with other leaders. And Actions and Next Steps to help you build and deliver outcomes.



Contact us for bulk orders (50+ packs) or customised box branding for clients, staff or conference giveaways.

Who should use FLOW?

FLOW Cards are ideal for people who lead conversations, including leaders and individuals who want to engage in self-reflection, teams building relationships and working through challenges, and professional, corporate, and executive coaches.


We work in a world that can be hybrid, remote or face-to-face. We work online, in teams, solo and across silos. And, of course, there are countless apps such as Microsoft 365 and Trello and digital whiteboards like MS Teams, Zoom, Miro and Mural.

Included when ordering 12 or more packs, FLOW ‘drag and drop’ images (png files) can be uploaded to your preferred app without any special setup or requirements. Perfect for complementing remote meetings, prompting conversations on your intranet or when people can’t access physical cards.


But as humans working in a digital world, hands-on tools provide a valuable alternative to screen time.

Whether together or online, when participants have physical tools to share, hold up, layout and shuffle, conversations, engagement and collaboration will flourish. That’s why we recommend everyone has (or has access to) their own physical deck of FLOW cards.

Holding a conference or event? FLOW is the perfect icebreaker

Developed in collaboration with Allan Ryan, Hargraves Institute, FLOW conversation Cue Cards utilise Ricky Nowak’s proven Marshall Goldsmith Coaching Approach for Leaders and Managers.

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with Ricky Nowak’s convenient virtual training courses.

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